segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2009

Jeff Hardy- new hair cut

I was at the site of the Hardy show (

I was watching some new videos and I noticed that in the last episodes that were placed on the site, Jeff was always with a cap! I've been to see if any conclusions reached and all this led me to think that jeff had cut his hair! If this is true, how is it that his hair is now?

So far, nothing is confirmed, but I will not rest until I do not know why jeff always use a cap in the hardy show! Not having to visit all the sites about jeff and see if any of them tells me something that is interesting! Not having that every day, go to the computer to visit the hardy show and see if there's more news!

sábado, 7 de novembro de 2009

why Jeff lefts wwe and matt will also go out 2????

I was thinking ... why Jeff left the wwe?!?!

I know he said he had left to devote more time to his band and the show that he has with his brother and the shannon Moore.

But it was not necessary to leave the wwe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was enough just to ask the wwe super visor to put him with least action!!!!!!!!!!

I miss him so much!! If not for the internet ... I was already crazy! He has to go back! It was the best birthday present I could give!

good ... and now! As Jeff left the WWE, Matt will also behind ?!?!?!?! I hope not !!!!!!

Now Matt is the only reason I see the WWE !!!!!

And Jeff is the only reason I still not giving in crazy!!

But anyway ... if matt comes out, I leave to see the wwe! And if you stop talking about Jeff, I give in crazy!

I do not love the matt, I love Jeff, but if Matt says goodbye to the WWE for his brother not to be alone ... I do not know if I'm happy or sad!!

The hardy show on mtv?

Idk where, but I read on a site that the hardy show can appear on MTV! Idk if this is true, but I believe that the hardy show will appear on MTV 'cause jeff left the wwe 2 contrate on his band, Peroxwhy? Gen, and his show, the Hardy Show with Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore! I have a feeling in my heart and my brain that show Hardy can go to MTV! What do u think about it?