segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2009

Jeff Hardy- new hair cut

I was at the site of the Hardy show (

I was watching some new videos and I noticed that in the last episodes that were placed on the site, Jeff was always with a cap! I've been to see if any conclusions reached and all this led me to think that jeff had cut his hair! If this is true, how is it that his hair is now?

So far, nothing is confirmed, but I will not rest until I do not know why jeff always use a cap in the hardy show! Not having to visit all the sites about jeff and see if any of them tells me something that is interesting! Not having that every day, go to the computer to visit the hardy show and see if there's more news!

sábado, 7 de novembro de 2009

why Jeff lefts wwe and matt will also go out 2????

I was thinking ... why Jeff left the wwe?!?!

I know he said he had left to devote more time to his band and the show that he has with his brother and the shannon Moore.

But it was not necessary to leave the wwe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was enough just to ask the wwe super visor to put him with least action!!!!!!!!!!

I miss him so much!! If not for the internet ... I was already crazy! He has to go back! It was the best birthday present I could give!

good ... and now! As Jeff left the WWE, Matt will also behind ?!?!?!?! I hope not !!!!!!

Now Matt is the only reason I see the WWE !!!!!

And Jeff is the only reason I still not giving in crazy!!

But anyway ... if matt comes out, I leave to see the wwe! And if you stop talking about Jeff, I give in crazy!

I do not love the matt, I love Jeff, but if Matt says goodbye to the WWE for his brother not to be alone ... I do not know if I'm happy or sad!!

The hardy show on mtv?

Idk where, but I read on a site that the hardy show can appear on MTV! Idk if this is true, but I believe that the hardy show will appear on MTV 'cause jeff left the wwe 2 contrate on his band, Peroxwhy? Gen, and his show, the Hardy Show with Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore! I have a feeling in my heart and my brain that show Hardy can go to MTV! What do u think about it?

sábado, 31 de outubro de 2009

Does jeff back to the wwe in 2010???

Many people told me that Jeff would never go back to wwe 'cause they would'not want a 'druged' as a superstar, 'cause until then were accused of it by people who use drugs and so on. But 1st, jeff never used drugs such as cocaine or marijuana, consumed only steroids and painkillers. Steroids like all other superstars (even worse there, such as BatistA, etc.)  and analgesics such as a highflyer like Jeff (the best of all time) could not make all those finishers without killing each other!

 And now I have many doubts and gonna need someone to clarify me!

I've been doing some research on the net about jeff, as is usual, looool. Then appeared to me a page to say that Jeff had been arrested for drug use. I can even say what it said:

"In the best curtain falls the stain and the maximum was confirmed once again in the WWE universe, with the custody of the popular Jeff Hardy, the accounts with five counts of possession of drugs.As Officials searched the house of the highflyier and found 262 tablets Vicodin, 180 Soma, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, cocaine and a number of other items directly related to drugs, a "cake" of 2,500 euros drugs.After his brother, Matt bail of 125,000 euros, the ace of ring Americans returned home, and now back to court to hear the sentence that has to meet. "

This is true ?!?!?!?! For those who do not believe this was taken a page from the net, here is the link (the page isn't in american, sorry):

Anyway ... I really want to know if this is true !!!!!!

Well, my other doubt is, does jeff back to the wwe in 2010???

I was talking in a chat about the Jeff Hardy and told me that he would return at royal rumble 2010! As I am very stubborn, I do not believe the first and went looking on the Internet! I read in the twitter of jeff, that he had little chance of it back! But I do not believe me that he can live long without the wwe! Anyway ... he also said: 'This is not goodbye for ever, this is only goodbye for now! Thank u all, See u in the future! ". This has to mean something ...

sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2009

Jeff Hardy's new tattoo!!!!

Walk around many doubts about the new tattoo that jeff did in the neck ... before leaving the wwe! Well .. for those who never saw the Tattoo, is due and promised here is the picture of the tattoo of Jeff Hardy! Could not be better! It was very hard to get this picture because, do not know why, Jeff, in a few photos showing the tattoo! But anyway! I got the first thing I did when I found it was put it on my blog!